
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/30/19 00:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF signals here look too ragged to be convincingly biological
11/30/19 02:10:2434.1098-119.7742Many sporadic LF signals
11/30/19 03:25:2434.1098-119.7742Many sporadic LF tones here, nothing patterned enough to be convincingly biological
11/30/19 05:10:2434.1098-119.7742LF signals not patterned enough to be convincingly biological; HF tones very short, faint, and jagged - look more like background noise than biological sound
11/30/19 05:55:2434.1098-119.7742200 Hz signals in panel 6 look to ragged to be convincing for biological sound
11/30/19 08:40:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones here fairly sporadic; possible upsweep in panel 11 that could potentially be humpback but pretty faint, short, & isolated so not very convincing
11/30/19 09:10:2434.1098-119.7742Panels 9-11 have very sporadic LF tones, nothing patterned enough to be convincingly biological though
11/30/19 09:25:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones too sporadic to be convincingly biological
11/30/19 09:55:2434.1098-119.7742continue sporadic signals
11/30/19 10:10:2434.1098-119.7742more sporadic LF tones
11/30/19 10:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones here still not patterned well enough to be convincing for fin calling
11/30/19 11:10:2434.1098-119.7742Sporadic LF tones
11/30/19 14:10:2434.1098-119.7742more LF tones
11/30/19 15:40:2434.1098-119.7742curious short LF tracks; probably not biological
11/30/19 16:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF tone (on panel 4)
11/30/19 17:10:2434.1098-119.7742Again interesting LF tones.
11/30/19 17:25:2434.1098-119.7742continue LF tones
11/30/19 17:40:2434.1098-119.7742continue LF tones; possible downsweep in panel 7 but very short (~1s)
11/30/19 17:55:2434.1098-119.7742continue LF tones, still sporadic
11/30/19 18:25:2434.1098-119.7742interesting LF tones here (ie panel 3)
11/30/19 18:40:2434.1098-119.7742Strange HF signal in panel 5, looks pretty jagged - background noise?
11/30/19 18:55:2434.1098-119.7742sporadic LF tones
11/30/19 20:55:2434.1098-119.7742interesting sporadic LF tones
11/30/19 22:25:2434.1098-119.7742interesting LF tone sequence in panel 3
11/30/19 22:40:2434.1098-119.7742Interesting sequence of sporadic LF tones in panels 7-8
11/30/19 22:55:2434.1098-119.7742Interesting LF tones in panel 3
11/30/19 23:10:2434.1098-119.7742Weird LF signal in panel 2
11/30/19 23:25:2434.1098-119.7742panels 12-14 have interesting sequence of sporadic, short LF tones
11/30/19 23:40:2434.1098-119.7742more sporadic LF tones
