
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/25/24 06:38:5836.7170-75.47153 fin classifications in P14, but not perfectly spaced
06/25/24 09:08:5836.7170-75.4715interesting noise patterns - regularly spaced and high frequency
06/25/24 10:38:5836.7170-75.4715some repetitive fin classifications, but IPI is not consistent
06/25/24 15:08:5836.7170-75.4715RW up-call in P2 is isolated and has nice shape, but quiet
06/25/24 17:08:5836.7170-75.4715Loud, repetitive noise in P13-P16 is mostly artifacts
06/25/24 21:08:5836.7170-75.4715a couple of up-call shapes, but not high quality
