Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/18/24 00:30:20Detected37.1610-75.2498classified doublet in panel 12 and classified singlet in panel 14- appropriate frequency, downsweep shape, and higher amplitude and isloated compared to PT data in panels
05/18/24 02:30:20Detected37.1610-75.2498panel 1- classified SW doublet, appropriate frequency and downsweep shape, and isolated

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/18/24 15:15:20Detected37.1610-75.2498panels 3-13: several consecutively classified and unclassified (due to longer duration) FW pulses with IPI about 15 sec

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/18/24 05:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD HW: potentially faint HW calls around 450 Hz spread throughout tally period
05/18/24 09:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD HW: faint calls b/w 200-500 Hz with some repetition, spread throughout tally period
05/18/24 10:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498PD HW: faint calls b/w 300-500 Hz with some repetition, scattered across panels 1-12
05/18/24 13:15:20Possibly detected37.1610-75.2498panel 15- potential HW tonal calls. Similar to previous tally periods and different/higher amplitude compared to rest of PT data/noise in this tally period


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
05/18/24 00:30:2037.1610-75.2498classified doublet in panel 12 and classified singlet in panel 14- appropriate frequency, downsweep shape, and higher amplitude and isloated compared to PT data in panels
05/18/24 02:30:2037.1610-75.2498panel 1- classified SW doublet, appropriate frequency and downsweep shape, and isolated
05/18/24 05:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD HW: potentially faint HW calls around 450 Hz spread throughout tally period
05/18/24 08:15:2037.1610-75.2498panels 4-10 and 15- potentially some HW tonal calls b/w 400-800 Hz, but skeptical to classify as PD since it may be noise
05/18/24 09:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD HW: faint calls b/w 200-500 Hz with some repetition, spread throughout tally period
05/18/24 10:15:2037.1610-75.2498PD HW: faint calls b/w 300-500 Hz with some repetition, scattered across panels 1-12
05/18/24 11:15:2037.1610-75.2498potentially some HW calls/tonals in panels 8 and 15, but only a few. Look similar to previous tally periods, but may also be noise
05/18/24 11:30:2037.1610-75.2498panels 2-3: potential HW tonal calls, but may be noise. Skeptical based on duration of some of PT data in panel 3, so didn't classify as PD
05/18/24 12:45:2037.1610-75.2498panel 15- doesn't look like a RW upcall, noise at same time and there isn't much of an upcall shape
05/18/24 13:15:2037.1610-75.2498panel 15- potential HW tonal calls. Similar to previous tally periods and different/higher amplitude compared to rest of PT data/noise in this tally period
05/18/24 13:30:2037.1610-75.2498panels 3/4: a couple of potential HW calls around 650 Hz
05/18/24 15:15:2037.1610-75.2498panels 3-13: several consecutively classified and unclassified (due to longer duration) FW pulses with IPI about 15 sec
