Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/16/19 07:33:01Detected49.4143-64.0751CHECK AUDIO. Use in blue whale classification algorithm.
10/16/19 07:48:01Detected49.4156-64.0721
10/16/19 08:33:01Possibly detected49.4194-64.0629Loud, long LF downsweeps and arch calls.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/16/19 02:18:0149.3749-64.0653Several singlet downsweeps.
10/16/19 02:48:0149.3793-64.0700LF downsweeps - BW?
10/16/19 03:03:0149.3818-64.0739LF downsweeps - BW?
10/16/19 03:18:0149.3843-64.0779LF downsweeps - BW?
10/16/19 03:48:0149.3893-64.0857LF downsweeps - BW?
10/16/19 07:33:0149.4143-64.0751CHECK AUDIO. Use in blue whale classification algorithm.
10/16/19 08:33:0149.4194-64.0629Loud, long LF downsweeps and arch calls.
10/16/19 08:48:0149.4206-64.0598LF downsweep - BW?
10/16/19 13:18:0149.4601-64.0607LF downsweeps - BW?
10/16/19 13:33:0149.4633-64.0627LF downsweeps - BW? Call length seems to be consistent within a bout but varies among bouts. Could be an attenuation issue (louder calls seem longer). 3 sec long calls, 15 sec call interval
10/16/19 13:48:0149.4665-64.0647LF downsweeps - BW? 4s call length, 11s ICI
10/16/19 14:16:4049.4720-64.0684Check audio, is that a faint right whale call? It is faint and short.
10/16/19 15:03:0149.4740-64.0733LF downsweeps - BW? 3 calls, 1.5 - 2.5s CL, ICI not constant.
