Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
09/10/19 03:48:01 | 49.6003 | -64.0868 | Possible sei whale doublet in P5? Neither call classified. Approx. 5 seconds between calls. |
09/10/19 04:03:01 | 49.5989 | -64.0848 | Loud downsweep in P14 |
09/10/19 10:33:01 | 49.5727 | -64.0300 | One classified upcall is reasonably loud and isolated but quite short; not a nice shapely curved upsweep. Not
quite enough evidence. |
09/10/19 19:18:01 | 49.5049 | -63.9918 | Three singlet downsweeps, one classified as call type 1. |
09/10/19 21:48:01 | 49.4909 | -64.0130 | There are two classified upcalls on this record. However, there is quite a bit of other noise around each
classified sound that is the same amplitude and varies among frequencies. This suggests spurious sounds. |
09/10/19 23:33:01 | 49.4788 | -64.0356 | Several possible faint unclassified upcalls in P6 and P7. Check audio. |
09/10/19 23:48:01 | 49.4770 | -64.0388 | Classified upcall is faint and not shapely. |