
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/26/23 02:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- P2 3 4 and 7 has a single very short pt isolated with slight downsweep shape pt is too short and lacks enough shape to tell if sound is biological or not
08/26/23 05:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- possible HW social sounds in P2 3 and 8 not enough context for PD submission
08/26/23 10:25:1838.3030-74.6450JT- a few MF PTs throughout this period that are poss HW signals but PTs are very short, form no pattern, and are mostly very faint so HW-ND.
08/26/23 10:55:1838.3030-74.6450JT0 2 interesting PTs, poss MF upcalls, in middle of P4 but the rest of the period looks like faint non-biological sounds so HW-ND.
08/26/23 11:10:1838.3030-74.6450JT- p4-5 looks like poss HW but the rest of the period looks like non-biological noise so HW-ND.
