Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
02/16/22 01:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | AR- HW sound is without context and appears to be a fragment, no HW-D |
02/16/22 06:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | AR- Just noise, no detections |
02/16/22 06:34:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P9 interesting very short pitch tracks at ~200Hz |
02/16/22 09:19:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | AR- Purported HW sounds are just faint sound fragments. No HW-D. |
02/16/22 16:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- P14 interesting Pts at the end of the panel with a repeated steps pattern,
pts are too short to tell if biological HW - ND |
02/16/22 21:04:58 | 38.3030 | -74.6450 | KS- multiple classified RW calls most are after transmission ended or faint and
within the vessel noise RW - ND |