Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/04/17 05:59:25 | 47.7002 | -63.5777 | The classified upcall is very short, not convincing. Two other short upsweeps as well. |
08/04/17 06:07:14 | 47.7002 | -63.5777 | Kim left off here - this page scored. |
08/04/17 08:59:25 | 47.7151 | -63.5767 | There is one beautiful classified upcall. Potentially another in P7 but very short. |
08/04/17 16:59:25 | 47.7622 | -63.5879 | One beautiful classified upcall, the second one is a little faint but still ok shape. |
08/04/17 17:14:25 | 47.7633 | -63.5887 | upcall in P8? |
08/04/17 20:59:25 | 47.7809 | -63.5993 | There are 5 upsweeps in this record, incl. 3 classified upcalls, but classified calls are all short, and are either
faint or not isolated. There is something wrong with each of them. So, going possibly.
08/04/17 21:59:25 | 47.7861 | -63.6006 | This is interesting. Many sounds in the 400-600 Hz range when in the previous half hour upcalls were
classified. Moan in P3. Check audio. |