Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
11/17/23 01:49:18 | 41.1330 | -71.0816 | Two classified upcalls but they’re both faint and similar amplitude as the other noise. |
11/17/23 14:19:18 | 41.0625 | -71.0731 | Possible unclassified upcall in P15 but could easily be LF noise. |
11/17/23 19:25:33 | 41.0172 | -71.0914 | Julianne left off here. |
11/17/23 19:49:18 | 41.0167 | -71.0948 | Amanda started here. |
11/17/23 21:48:13 | 41.0071 | -71.1177 | very loud pitch tracks in p14 and p15 |