Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/09/24 06:35:20Possibly detected42.6454-69.2754Faint unclassified doublet in P1.
07/09/24 07:05:20Possibly detected42.6419-69.2694One classified singlet and possible faint unclassified singlets in P11 and 12.
07/09/24 07:20:20Possibly detected42.6402-69.2664Possible unclassified singlets throughout the period and one with call type 17.
07/09/24 09:05:20Detected42.6368-69.2560Loud unclassified but isolated doublet in P8.
07/09/24 09:20:20Detected42.6360-69.2544Unclassified but isolated doublet in P2.
07/09/24 12:20:20Possibly detected42.6321-69.2447Faint unclassified doublet in P11.
07/09/24 15:20:20Detected42.6218-69.2305One classified doublet.

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/09/24 02:05:20Possibly detected42.6817-69.3216Possible HW downsweeps in P14 and 16.
07/09/24 02:18:20Possibly detected42.6807-69.3206Possible HW downsweep in P1 that was also in the last period.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/09/24 02:05:2042.6817-69.3216Possible HW downsweeps in P14 and 16.
07/09/24 02:18:2042.6807-69.3206Possible HW downsweep in P1 that was also in the last period.
07/09/24 03:05:2042.6752-69.3132Possible very faint HW downsweep in P10.
07/09/24 03:20:2042.6728-69.3106Possible faint HW downsweep in P14?
07/09/24 06:05:2042.6488-69.2815Possible faint unclassified doublet in P1?
07/09/24 06:20:2042.6471-69.2785Possible unclassified doublet in P13?
07/09/24 06:35:2042.6454-69.2754Faint unclassified doublet in P1.
07/09/24 07:05:2042.6419-69.2694One classified singlet and possible faint unclassified singlets in P11 and 12.
07/09/24 07:20:2042.6402-69.2664Possible unclassified singlets throughout the period and one with call type 17.
07/09/24 09:05:2042.6368-69.2560Loud unclassified but isolated doublet in P8.
07/09/24 09:20:2042.6360-69.2544Unclassified but isolated doublet in P2.
07/09/24 12:05:2042.6327-69.2453Possible faint unclassified doublet in P14?
07/09/24 12:20:2042.6321-69.2447Faint unclassified doublet in P11.
07/09/24 15:20:2042.6218-69.2305One classified doublet.
07/09/24 16:20:2042.6190-69.2216Possible unclassified singlet in P4 but it could be noise.
07/09/24 23:20:2042.5750-69.1701Possible faint unclassified doublet in P7 but the pitch tracks are flat.
