
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/12/23 01:15:2037.1610-75.2498possible fin whale on Panel 9 with 3+ calls and 9-11 sec INIs, but could just be noise
10/12/23 07:15:2037.1610-75.2498possible fin whale between panels 4 an 5 with 3+ classifications and INIs, but it could also be part of the noise.
10/12/23 11:15:2037.1610-75.2498fin whale could be between Panels 13 and 14, but INIs are too large and it could be part of the noise.
10/12/23 15:15:2037.1610-75.2498possible detection on Panel 4 based on 3+ classified in sequence, but INIs are on the higher end
10/12/23 22:15:2037.1610-75.2498potential for a fin whale detection on Panel 11 but there is also noise and INIs do not match for seasonality
