Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/19/20 01:00:58Detected48.5897-62.2060FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 03:00:58Detected48.5977-62.2268FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 03:30:58Detected48.6010-62.2284FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 04:45:58Possibly detected48.6094-62.2326Possible FW, train of 3 calls.
09/19/20 05:00:58Detected48.6111-62.2334FW detected. 20hz train with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 07:30:58Detected48.6143-62.2320FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 11:30:58Detected48.6157-62.2619FW detected. 20hz trains with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 11:45:58Detected48.6169-62.2665
09/19/20 15:30:58Detected48.6342-62.3199FW detected. 20hz trains with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 17:00:58Detected48.6427-62.3303FW detected. 20hz trains with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 21:00:58Possibly detected48.6432-62.3275Potential FW, trains of 20hz with 3 calls.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/19/20 16:45:58Possibly detected48.6413-62.3286Potential faint arched calls (5) in P6-7,12
09/19/20 17:15:58Detected48.6441-62.3320 arched calls in P4-5
09/19/20 23:15:58Detected48.6388-62.3452Potential faint arched calls in P13-14
09/19/20 23:30:58Detected48.6397-62.3490 arched calls in P2-3
09/19/20 23:45:58Detected48.6405-62.3527 arched calls


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/19/20 01:00:5848.5897-62.2060FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 03:00:5848.5977-62.2268FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 03:30:5848.6010-62.2284FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 04:45:5848.6094-62.2326Possible FW, train of 3 calls.
09/19/20 05:00:5848.6111-62.2334FW detected. 20hz train with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 07:30:5848.6143-62.2320FW detected. 20hz trans with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 11:30:5848.6157-62.2619FW detected. 20hz trains with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 15:30:5848.6342-62.3199FW detected. 20hz trains with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 16:45:5848.6413-62.3286Potential faint arched calls (5) in P6-7,12
09/19/20 17:00:5848.6427-62.3303FW detected. 20hz trains with 4+ calls.
09/19/20 17:15:5848.6441-62.3320 arched calls in P4-5
09/19/20 21:00:5848.6432-62.3275Potential FW, trains of 20hz with 3 calls.
09/19/20 22:30:5848.6363-62.3340classified SW call not isolated nor shapely. Keeping as Not Detected
09/19/20 23:15:5848.6388-62.3452Potential faint arched calls in P13-14
09/19/20 23:30:5848.6397-62.3490 arched calls in P2-3
09/19/20 23:45:5848.6405-62.3527 arched calls
