Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/20 03:30:58Possibly detected48.8911-62.9792A triplet contains two classified call type 17s suggesting sei, but the IPI is only 2 seconds, and blue whales also make triplet downsweeps, so I have scored this as possible sei and possible blue. More research on the differences in call characteristics in doublets and triplets between these two species is needed.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/20 03:45:58Detected48.8921-62.9798One good classified upcall - loud and isolated. Possible second upcall in P10. Sequence of 4 20Hz pulses with 15sec IPI in P5-6, two of which are classified.
08/22/20 04:30:58Detected48.8951-62.9817
08/22/20 05:15:58Possibly detected48.8981-62.9836Possible train of 3-4 of faint 20hz calls with call interval of 11-12 seconds. Marking as possible fin whale. Three classified upcalls. Two of them (P11 and P12) are short calls, and are not very loud, but are well isolated from other sounds of similar amplitudes. The other classified call (P14) is has a good shape and decent amplitude, however there is a long low frequency sound at the same time, but it is very low amplitude compared to the up call. I am marking this as Detected for right whales.
08/22/20 13:15:58Possibly detected48.8679-62.8976There are 3 faint 20 hz calls with a call interval of 11-12 seconds (in P5), this suggests a possible fin whale.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/20 03:45:58Possibly detected48.8921-62.9798One good classified upcall - loud and isolated. Possible second upcall in P10. Sequence of 4 20Hz pulses with 15sec IPI in P5-6, two of which are classified.
08/22/20 04:15:58Possibly detected48.8941-62.9811There are a few possible upcalls in P4-5. The classified call is convincing because it is loud and classified and ok shape, if a bit short. The others are too short to be convincing.
08/22/20 05:15:58Detected48.8981-62.9836Possible train of 3-4 of faint 20hz calls with call interval of 11-12 seconds. Marking as possible fin whale. Three classified upcalls. Two of them (P11 and P12) are short calls, and are not very loud, but are well isolated from other sounds of similar amplitudes. The other classified call (P14) is has a good shape and decent amplitude, however there is a long low frequency sound at the same time, but it is very low amplitude compared to the up call. I am marking this as Detected for right whales.
08/22/20 06:15:58Possibly detected48.8994-62.9822There is one convincing classified upcall (in P10), it has a good shape, is loud and isolated from other sounds. As it is the only convincing up call in this 15- minute period I am marking this as possible right whale.
08/22/20 06:30:58Possibly detected48.8979-62.9776Very nice shaped classified up call (in P12), decently loud and isolated from other sounds. There is another short but loud classified up call (in P9), somewhat isolated from other sounds of similar amplitude (there are a few short sounds pitched tracked just before and after the call). Though the second call is less convincing, the first is enough to classify as possible right whale.
08/22/20 11:30:58Possibly detected48.8717-62.9054There is a short classified call (in P5), but does not have a constant amplitude. However it is isolated. There is another possible upcall (in P12), it is not classified, and it is faint, but it has a good shape. In combination with the classified call, I am marking this as possible detection for right whale.
08/22/20 14:30:58Possibly detected48.8644-62.8936There is a faint classified up call (in P11), it does not have a very good up call shape. There is also (what I assume is) some mechanical noise happening in the background. Because it has been classified by the automated detector I will mark this as possible detection for right whale.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/20 01:30:58Possibly detected48.8870-62.9621Blue whale arch call in P9.
08/22/20 03:30:58Possibly detected48.8911-62.9792A triplet contains two classified call type 17s suggesting sei, but the IPI is only 2 seconds, and blue whales also make triplet downsweeps, so I have scored this as possible sei and possible blue. More research on the differences in call characteristics in doublets and triplets between these two species is needed.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/22/20 01:30:5848.8870-62.9621Blue whale arch call in P9.
08/22/20 03:30:5848.8911-62.9792A triplet contains two classified call type 17s suggesting sei, but the IPI is only 2 seconds, and blue whales also make triplet downsweeps, so I have scored this as possible sei and possible blue. More research on the differences in call characteristics in doublets and triplets between these two species is needed.
08/22/20 03:45:5848.8921-62.9798One good classified upcall - loud and isolated. Possible second upcall in P10. Sequence of 4 20Hz pulses with 15sec IPI in P5-6, two of which are classified.
08/22/20 04:15:5848.8941-62.9811There are a few possible upcalls in P4-5. The classified call is convincing because it is loud and classified and ok shape, if a bit short. The others are too short to be convincing.
08/22/20 05:15:5848.8981-62.9836Possible train of 3-4 of faint 20hz calls with call interval of 11-12 seconds. Marking as possible fin whale. Three classified upcalls. Two of them (P11 and P12) are short calls, and are not very loud, but are well isolated from other sounds of similar amplitudes. The other classified call (P14) is has a good shape and decent amplitude, however there is a long low frequency sound at the same time, but it is very low amplitude compared to the up call. I am marking this as Detected for right whales.
08/22/20 06:15:5848.8994-62.9822There is one convincing classified upcall (in P10), it has a good shape, is loud and isolated from other sounds. As it is the only convincing up call in this 15- minute period I am marking this as possible right whale.
08/22/20 06:30:5848.8979-62.9776Very nice shaped classified up call (in P12), decently loud and isolated from other sounds. There is another short but loud classified up call (in P9), somewhat isolated from other sounds of similar amplitude (there are a few short sounds pitched tracked just before and after the call). Though the second call is less convincing, the first is enough to classify as possible right whale.
08/22/20 11:30:5848.8717-62.9054There is a short classified call (in P5), but does not have a constant amplitude. However it is isolated. There is another possible upcall (in P12), it is not classified, and it is faint, but it has a good shape. In combination with the classified call, I am marking this as possible detection for right whale.
08/22/20 13:15:5848.8679-62.8976There are 3 faint 20 hz calls with a call interval of 11-12 seconds (in P5), this suggests a possible fin whale.
08/22/20 14:30:5848.8644-62.8936There is a faint classified up call (in P11), it does not have a very good up call shape. There is also (what I assume is) some mechanical noise happening in the background. Because it has been classified by the automated detector I will mark this as possible detection for right whale.
08/22/20 16:15:5848.8644-62.8870The only classified up call in this 15 minute period is in P3, but it is not very convincing as an upcall. It is very low in amplitude and does not have a good upcall shape. It is also not very isolated from the mechanical noise of similar amplitudes happening at the same time. Because the classified sound is not convincing, I am keeping as not detected.
