Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/26/19 04:25:24Possibly detected34.1098-119.7742HF tones here seem structured enough to be humpback, but too faint to be definite
11/26/19 04:55:24Possibly detected34.1098-119.7742Well-patterned enough for humpback but still faint.
11/26/19 18:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742very strong humpback signals here
11/26/19 19:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
11/26/19 20:10:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
11/26/19 20:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
11/26/19 21:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
11/26/19 22:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
11/26/19 23:10:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
11/26/19 23:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/26/19 00:40:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones in panels 13-14 patterned enough to possibly be fin, but faint and other panels contain less-structured LF signals that make it less convincing
11/26/19 02:10:2434.1098-119.7742Strange signal in panel 1 but doesn't look biological
11/26/19 02:40:2434.1098-119.7742200Hz tones in panel 7, not terribly convincing for humpback but possible
11/26/19 04:25:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones here seem structured enough to be humpback, but too faint to be definite
11/26/19 04:55:2434.1098-119.7742Well-patterned enough for humpback but still faint.
11/26/19 05:55:2434.1098-119.7742Occasional HF tones in panels 3, 8, 10, & 12 but not well-patterned and too faint to be convincing humpback; singular long LF tone in panel 7 too jagged to be convincing for blue.
11/26/19 06:40:2434.1098-119.7742possible fin calls not repetitive or structured enough to be convincing
11/26/19 07:25:2434.1098-119.7742Few possible fin 20 Hz calls, but still not well-patterned, panel 15 has faint downsweep; too short for blue whale.
11/26/19 07:40:2434.1098-119.7742very variable mid-frequency tones here, don't seem particularly convincing for biological sound though (not well-patterned or very strong signals)
11/26/19 08:10:2434.1098-119.7742Tones around 100-150Hz could be humpback but very faint and not structured enough to be entirely convincing
11/26/19 08:25:2434.1098-119.7742tones here could be faint humpback? Still not structured enough to be sure
11/26/19 08:40:2434.1098-119.7742Panels 9-11 have possible humpback signals, slightly stronger than before but still pretty faint
11/26/19 09:10:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones in panels 8-16 look more anthropogenic than biological
11/26/19 09:25:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones here still look too jagged and chaotic to be biological, especially panels 1-6
11/26/19 09:55:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones in panels 3, 12, & 15-16 still too rough to be convincingly biological
11/26/19 10:10:2434.1098-119.7742Panels 12-13 have vaguely patterned sequence of tones that could be humpback but not quite structured enough to be convincing yet
11/26/19 10:25:2434.1098-119.7742Variable tones in panels 4, 6, 12, & 15 but not structured enough to be convincingly biological
11/26/19 10:40:2434.1098-119.7742HF signals in panels 5-6 & 11 seem more likely to be random background than anything biological, very rough
11/26/19 10:55:2434.1098-119.7742Some LF tones that could be fin, but not structured enough to be convincing
11/26/19 11:10:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones in panels 4 & 15 likely background noise, LF tones in panels 7-8 too variable for fin but too low for humpback, not well-patterned enough in either case
11/26/19 11:25:2434.1098-119.7742Lots of background noise pickup here in HF region
11/26/19 11:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones in panels 4, 6, 12, & 13 could be fin but not very consistent in pattern
11/26/19 12:10:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones in panels 6-10 seem more likely to be anthropogenic, very jagged for humpback. LF tones in throughout seem to variable to be convincing for fin whale
11/26/19 12:25:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones not patterned enough for fin; HF tones too jagged for humpback
11/26/19 12:55:2434.1098-119.7742HF tones in panels 9-11 could be humpback but not particularly convincing - no nice patterning. LF tones possibly fin, but not well-patterned enough to be sure
11/26/19 13:10:2434.1098-119.7742Continue LF tones, too sporadic for convincing fin
11/26/19 13:25:2434.1098-119.7742Continue LF tones, too sporadic for convincing fin. Strange long tones at 400 Hz in panel 3
11/26/19 13:55:2434.1098-119.7742Most HF tones here do not appear biological, perhaps a few potential humpback sounds (ie panel 7 downsweep) but given surrounding background noise, not very convincing
11/26/19 14:55:2434.1098-119.7742Potential humpback downsweep in panel 12, but lots of surrounding background noise and isolated from other humpback sounds
11/26/19 15:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones in panel 13 could be fin, patterning still not completely convincing but better than previously seen
11/26/19 16:10:2434.1098-119.7742Possible patterning for fin whale calls is not right timing.
11/26/19 16:25:2434.1098-119.7742Perhaps fin whale LF tones, but not as well-patterned and a little to variable to be entirely convincing
11/26/19 16:55:2434.1098-119.7742Lots of background noise here - LF tones seem too variable for fin calling
11/26/19 17:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF tones here more likely to be part of background noise here, not well structured nor patterned
11/26/19 18:55:2434.1098-119.7742very strong humpback signals here
