Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/05/15 08:40:03Detected43.4011-62.2582Sei: 2 unclassified singlets and a faint doublet with 1 classified. Detected
11/05/15 09:40:03Detected43.3940-62.2517Sei: several possible unclassified singlets. 1 classified in doublet. Detected.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/05/15 04:40:03Detected43.4369-62.2771Fin: p11-12 6 fin calls in pattern, 3 classified fin. Detected
11/05/15 17:40:03Detected43.3518-62.2275Fin: p5-6 several Fin calls in pattern, 2 classified. Detected
11/05/15 18:40:03Detected43.3466-62.2134

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/05/15 00:40:03Possibly detected43.4508-62.2928HumpbackL p6-7 2 HF downsweeps. Possible
11/05/15 21:40:03Possibly detected43.3210-62.1891Humpback: p1-3 several MF tonal sweeps. Possible


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/05/15 00:40:0343.4508-62.2928HumpbackL p6-7 2 HF downsweeps. Possible
11/05/15 01:40:0343.4441-62.2863Several LF calls amid noise. Not enough classified fin for detection.
11/05/15 04:40:0343.4369-62.2771Fin: p11-12 6 fin calls in pattern, 3 classified fin. Detected
11/05/15 07:40:0343.4135-62.2606p5-6 2 faint LF downsweeps. Check spectrogram.
11/05/15 08:40:0343.4011-62.2582Sei: 2 unclassified singlets and a faint doublet with 1 classified. Detected
11/05/15 09:40:0343.3940-62.2517Sei: several possible unclassified singlets. 1 classified in doublet. Detected.
11/05/15 11:40:0343.3759-62.2484p6 1 long LF tonal. Maybe humpback? Check spectrogram.
11/05/15 13:40:0343.3647-62.2483Fin: p7-8 what looks like nice fin pattern with none classified. Check spectrogram.
11/05/15 15:40:0343.3588-62.2428Fin: p5-7 what looks like nice fin pattern but only 1 classified. Check spectrogram.
11/05/15 17:40:0343.3518-62.2275Fin: p5-6 several Fin calls in pattern, 2 classified. Detected
11/05/15 19:40:0343.3401-62.2072Many HF sweeps with surrounding background noise. Maybe humpback? Check spectrogram
11/05/15 21:40:0343.3210-62.1891Humpback: p1-3 several MF tonal sweeps. Possible
