
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/20/23 02:19:2035.6552-75.1608panel 2- falsely classified RW call, just noise
09/20/23 05:19:2035.6552-75.1608panels 1-5: low and higher frequency noise and artifacts
09/20/23 11:19:2035.6552-75.1608panel 4- falsely classified RW call, most likely noise and an artifact
09/20/23 15:19:2035.6552-75.1608panels 5/6: 3 consecutively classified FW pulses with regular IPI in both panels, but based on rest of PT data, this appears to be noise
09/20/23 18:19:2035.6552-75.1608panel 1/2: falsely classified SW call, just noise
09/20/23 21:19:2035.6552-75.1608more LF noise
