
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/28/23 01:19:2035.6552-75.1608more noise
04/28/23 10:19:2035.6552-75.1608panel 4/5- consecutively classified FW pulses, but IPI is about 14 sec which is less than what is recorded for this time of the year for FW
04/28/23 13:19:2035.6552-75.1608noise
04/28/23 15:19:2035.6552-75.1608appears to be mostly noise
04/28/23 16:19:2035.6552-75.1608panel 2- falsely classified RW upcall, just noise
04/28/23 18:19:2035.6552-75.1608appears to be mostly noise
04/28/23 21:19:2035.6552-75.1608seems to be mostly noise. potential faint RW upcall in panel 3 that's classified as HW, may just be noise
04/28/23 22:19:2035.6552-75.1608more noise
