
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/05/22 03:55:1838.3030-74.6450Similar shaped pitch track at about 53 seconds within each of the even panels (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14). Loudest in panels 4, 8, 12 and 14. Very regular sound. HW social sounds and RW up calls are not usually in a pattern. HW ND and RW ND. HB.
08/05/22 04:10:1838.3030-74.6450Same sound as at 03:55:18 at about 53 seconds in each alternate panel (beginning in panel 1). Regularity of sound indicates not a RW or HW. HW ND and RW ND. HB.
08/05/22 04:40:1838.3030-74.6450Still a constant sound every 2 minutes as in the previous periods at 03:55 and 04:10. HB.
08/05/22 04:55:1838.3030-74.6450Same unknown sound every 2 minutes, but fainter now, as in the previous periods 03:55, 4:10 and 4:40. HB.
08/05/22 05:40:1838.3030-74.6450Some loud pitch tracks at <200 Hz (particularly panel 8), but not enough context. HW ND. HB.
08/05/22 06:40:1838.3030-74.6450Loud pitch tracks in panels 13 and 15 at <100 Hz, but not enough context. HW ND. HB.
08/05/22 07:40:1838.3030-74.6450Repeated pitch tracks at about 400 Hz in panels 5 to 7, but mostly faint. HW ND. HB. KS- could be repeated song fragments but faint with surrounding artifacts HW- ND
08/05/22 18:10:1838.3030-74.6450KS- P4 4 consecutively classified FW calls, fluctuating amplitude and inconsistent IPI FW - ND
08/05/22 18:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- faint pts with short upcall shape in even numbered panels between 50 - 55 seconds HW - ND RW - ND similar pattern to earlier today during Helen's analysis
08/05/22 19:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- similar pattern in odd numbered panels loud pts with an upcall shape none are classified HW- ND RW - ND
08/05/22 19:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- upcall shaped pts are repeated loud with a smooth shape somewhat isolated but pattern does not look biological HW - ND RW - ND
08/05/22 20:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- upcall pattern is repeated HW - ND RW - ND
08/05/22 20:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- upcall pattern is repeated HW- ND RW- ND
08/05/22 21:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- P5 loud pt could be HW grunt, not enough context to determine if sound is biological or not HW - ND
08/05/22 22:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- upcall pattern repeated throughout period above 50 - 55 seconds HW- ND - RW - ND
08/05/22 23:10:1838.3030-74.6450KS- repeated upcall pattern Hw - ND RW- ND
08/05/22 23:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- repeated upcall pattern above 50 - 55 seconds throughout period HW - ND RW -ND
08/05/22 23:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- P7 end of panel group of loud very short pts could be HW social sounds not enough context HW- ND
