
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/31/22 02:10:1838.3030-74.6450Inconsistent IPI in panel 8 - FW ND. HB.
07/31/22 04:55:1838.3030-74.6450IPI of about 16 seconds in panel 13, but pulses variable duration and amplitude - FW ND. HB.
07/31/22 06:40:1838.3030-74.6450Loud pitch track at 200 Hz in panel 14, but the other pitch tracks look like artifacts and non-biological noise - HW ND. HB.
07/31/22 10:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT-1 RW classification but faint, brief, and mixed in with noise. RW-ND.
07/31/22 13:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- nice smooth upcall shape between 600 and 800Hz in P6 not enough context to determine if sound is biological or not HW - ND
07/31/22 18:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- interesting pts in P5 connected with artifacts but maybe some harmonics not enough context to determine if sound is biological or not HW - ND
07/31/22 19:40:1838.3030-74.6450KS- not alot of noise many pts in the mid frequency range loud, but lack shape and pattern HW - ND
07/31/22 20:10:1838.3030-74.6450JT- classified FW calls lack correct INI so FW-ND.
07/31/22 20:25:1838.3030-74.6450JT- classified FW calls have incorrect INI so FW-ND.
07/31/22 20:40:1838.3030-74.6450JT- classified FW calls have incorrect INI so FW-ND.
07/31/22 23:55:1838.3030-74.6450KS- P14 and P15 3 FW call types classified consecutively ~12 sec IPI but amplitude fluctuates FW - ND
