Experiment: Long-term recording in Great South Channel Indir: /Volumes/Acoustics02/GSC0414/NS15/amar/raw Outdir: /Volumes/Acoustics02/GSC0414/NS15/amar/processed StartDate: 04/01/14 00:00:00 PlatformType: Moored recorder PlatformID: NS15 InstrumentType: AMAR InstrumentID: 34587 FileFormat: WAV24 FileExtension: wav FileDateSpec: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss TimeZone: GMT Originator: Mark Baumgartner Location: Great South Channel FileDuration: 1800.0 Frame: 512 Overlap: 0.75 Smooth: 1 CallLibraryFile: /Users/Mark/Projects/Detectors/lfdcs/call_library/clnb_gom7/call_library.nc CallLibraryFileBB: /Users/Mark/Projects/Detectors/lfdcs/call_library/clbb_gom/call_library_broadband.nc DetectionFileDuration: 5.0 ; how many days worth of autodetections to put in each detection file Scale: 0.0030 ; conversion parameters for spectrogram (dB -> unsigned short int) Offset: -100.0 SpectrogramDuration: 30.0 ; duration of the spectrogram window to be processed (seconds); choose based on how ; long longest call is expected to be PitchTrackingWindow: 25.0 ; duration of the window where pitch tracking will occur (seconds) ; make a few seconds shorter than SpectrogramDuration because that time is used to ; identify and remove transient and persistent broadband signals before a spectrum ; can be moved into the spectrogram NoiseReductionWindow: 60.0 ; duration of the window over which spectrogram equalization will take place (seconds) ; equalization occurs by subtracting an exponentially-weighted running mean from each ; frequency band in the spectrogram; results are deviations in amplitude from the ; background noise AvgFFTLowThreshold: -10.0 ; minimum level for how quiet the average FFT value can be relative to background to be ; included in the exponentially-weighted running means; helps keep very quiet periods out ; of the running mean used for spectrogram normalization (really specific to DMON ; hydrophone shut-off) AvgFFTHighThreshold: 10.0 ; maximum level for how loud the average FFT value can be relative to background to be ; included in the exponentially-weighted running means; helps keep very loud broadband ; noise out of the running mean used for spectrogram equalization AvgFFTDurationLimit: 300.0 ; indicates how long to tolerate running mean *not* being updated; after this period, ; running mean is forced to reset BBP_InThreshold: 5.0 ; minimum level in spectrogram to indicate a persistent broadband sound - defines "loud" ; broadband sound (dB) BBP_InDuration: 1.5 ; minimum duration of loud sound before ending pitch tracking (seconds) BBP_OutThreshold: 5.0 ; maximum level of spectrogram to indicate quiet after a persistent broadband sound (dB) BBP_OutDuration: 4.0 ; minimum duration of quiet period after a persistent broad sound to resume pitch ; tracking (seconds) BBP_MaxDuration: 300.0 ; maximum duration of a persistent broadband sound - after this duration, the running mean ; is reset and the persistent sound is considered part of the background BB_DetectionThreshold: 9.6 ; minimum level in spectrogram to trigger transient broadband detection (dB) BB_MinSegmentSpan: 150.0 ; minimum frequency range of a transient broadband segment (Hz) BB_MinTotalSpan: 200.0 ; minimum accumulated frequency range of all transient broadband segments of a broadband ; signal (Hz) BB_MinBroadbandDuration: 0.125 ; minimum duration of a transient broadband signal (seconds); min and max frequency of each ; broadband segment is saved, then lowest min and the highest max are used to box out entire ; transient broadband sound DetectionThreshold: 10.0 ; minimum amplitude in a spectrogram to trigger the DCS/pitchtracking (dB) ; pitch track forward to locate the end of the call and pitch track backwards to identify ; the start of the call (backward pitch track is final pitch track) ; do it this way because the call will likely start earlier in time than when it is first ; detected with the amplitude threshold (call ramps up at beginning and ramps down at end) CostGradientThreshold: 15.0 ; used to decide when to stop pitch tracking (i.e., to identify the start or end of the ; call) (dB) DistanceWeighting: 20.0 ; weight associated with "jumping" an octave in frequency in successive time slices (dB) MinCallDuration: 0.25 ; minimum duration of a pich track to be kept as a legitimate call (seconds) MinAvgAmplitude: 10.0 ; minimum average amplitude of the pitch track to be kept as a legitimate call (dB) BlankingTime: 0.25 ; time before and after a time slice in the pitch track to be blanked or set to zero (seconds) BlankingFreq: 20.0 ; frequency above and below a time slice in the pitch track to be blanked or set to zero (Hz)