
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/13/23 00:39:1231.9658-80.0687more rhythmic low freq sounds
12/13/23 01:39:1231.9658-80.0687more low freq sounds, but these have some shape to them (i.e. frequency modulation)
12/13/23 12:39:1231.9658-80.0687more low freq sounds
12/13/23 13:39:1231.9658-80.0687low freq sounds look like moans
12/13/23 23:39:1231.9658-80.0687a few little sweeps in P7 and P13
12/13/23 23:54:1231.9658-80.0687low freq sounds but less freq modulation
