Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/10/23 07:11:43Possibly detected48.6087-62.3029Beautiful BW arch calls in P7-9. Possible BW A calls in P5 & 10. Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P11 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 08:41:43Possibly detected48.6109-62.3009Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P3 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 10:11:43Possibly detected48.6122-62.3254Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P11 with an INI = 8 seconds.
10/10/23 10:26:43Possibly detected48.6122-62.3247Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P6 with an INI = 8 seconds.
10/10/23 11:11:43Possibly detected48.6120-62.3225Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P14 with an INI = 8 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P4 & 11.
10/10/23 11:26:43Possibly detected48.6119-62.3218Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P12 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 12:26:43Possibly detected48.6116-62.3189Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P9 with an INI = 13 seconds; lots of other classified calls throughout the period, but it is difficult to identify consistent INIs. Possible BW A call in P9.
10/10/23 14:26:43Possibly detected48.6190-62.3449Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P16 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW D call in P8.
10/10/23 15:11:43Possibly detected48.6177-62.3449Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P5 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A call in P3.
10/10/23 15:41:43Possibly detected48.6169-62.3449Four possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P15 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 15:56:43Possibly detected48.6165-62.3449Five possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P7 with an INI = 9 seconds.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/10/23 03:26:43Detected48.6025-62.3143BW arch calls in P1-5, 11, & 12.
10/10/23 05:56:43Detected48.6069-62.3046BW arch calls in P4, 5, & 13-15.
10/10/23 06:11:43Detected48.6072-62.3043Snippets of BW arch calls throughout the period.
10/10/23 06:41:43Possibly detected48.6080-62.3036Possible snippets of BW arch calls in P3-6, although they all have broken pitch tracks, making this difficult to confirm.
10/10/23 06:56:43Detected48.6083-62.3033BW arch calls in P2 & 3.
10/10/23 07:11:43Detected48.6087-62.3029Beautiful BW arch calls in P7-9. Possible BW A calls in P5 & 10. Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P11 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 07:41:43Possibly detected48.6094-62.3023Possible BW A calls in P7 & 10.
10/10/23 11:11:43Possibly detected48.6120-62.3225Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P14 with an INI = 8 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P4 & 11.
10/10/23 16:56:43Possibly detected48.6149-62.3449Possible BW D calls in P1, 2, & 15; the call in P15 has downward concavity.
10/10/23 17:11:43Detected48.6145-62.3449BW arch calls in P9, 15 & 16.
10/10/23 17:23:21Detected48.6173-62.3416BW arch and D calls in P2-4 & 7.
10/10/23 18:11:43Possibly detected48.6236-62.3360Possible BW D calls in P1 & 8; although the call in P8 is classified as SW call type 1, the call in P1 is concave-down, which indicates that these are attributable to blue whale presence.
10/10/23 18:41:43Possibly detected48.6239-62.3366Possible BW D calls in P5 & 8, both of which appear to have downward concavity.
10/10/23 19:41:43Possibly detected48.6244-62.3378Possible BW A calls in P2 & 9.
10/10/23 19:56:43Possibly detected48.6246-62.3381Possible BW A calls in P2-5 & 7.
10/10/23 20:26:43Possibly detected48.6249-62.3387Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
10/10/23 20:41:43Detected48.6250-62.3390BW arch calls in P4 & 5; possible A calls in P2, 8, 10, & 12.
10/10/23 21:11:43Possibly detected48.6253-62.3396Possible BW A calls in P2.
10/10/23 21:56:43Possibly detected48.6283-62.3632Possible BW D call in P6 (concave-down) and A calls in P12 & 13.
10/10/23 22:11:43Detected48.6287-62.3630BW arch and A calls throughout the period - likely two calling animals here, as there are several occasions of overlap between probable arch and A calls.
10/10/23 22:26:43Possibly detected48.6291-62.3628Possible BW A calls in P2, 6, & 7.
10/10/23 23:11:43Possibly detected48.6303-62.3620Possible BW A calls in P2 & 13-15.
10/10/23 23:26:43Possibly detected48.6307-62.3618Possible BW A calls in P3 & 4.
10/10/23 23:41:43Detected48.6311-62.3616BW arch calls in P1 & 2.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/10/23 00:26:4348.5884-62.3002Possible BW A call in P9.
10/10/23 00:41:4348.5881-62.3004Possible BW D call in P12 (concave-down).
10/10/23 02:11:4348.6015-62.3128Possible BW A call in P10.
10/10/23 02:26:4348.6017-62.3131Possible BW A call in P16.
10/10/23 03:26:4348.6025-62.3143BW arch calls in P1-5, 11, & 12.
10/10/23 05:56:4348.6069-62.3046BW arch calls in P4, 5, & 13-15.
10/10/23 06:11:4348.6072-62.3043Snippets of BW arch calls throughout the period.
10/10/23 06:26:4348.6076-62.3039Possible BW A call in P5.
10/10/23 06:41:4348.6080-62.3036Possible snippets of BW arch calls in P3-6, although they all have broken pitch tracks, making this difficult to confirm.
10/10/23 06:56:4348.6083-62.3033BW arch calls in P2 & 3.
10/10/23 07:11:4348.6087-62.3029Beautiful BW arch calls in P7-9. Possible BW A calls in P5 & 10. Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P11 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 07:26:4348.6091-62.3026Possible BW A call in P15.
10/10/23 07:41:4348.6094-62.3023Possible BW A calls in P7 & 10.
10/10/23 08:26:4348.6105-62.3013Lots of classified FW pulses throughout the period, but no consistent INIs can be identified. Possible BW A call in P8.
10/10/23 08:41:4348.6109-62.3009Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P3 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 10:11:4348.6122-62.3254Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P11 with an INI = 8 seconds.
10/10/23 10:26:4348.6122-62.3247Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P6 with an INI = 8 seconds.
10/10/23 11:11:4348.6120-62.3225Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P14 with an INI = 8 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P4 & 11.
10/10/23 11:26:4348.6119-62.3218Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P12 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 12:26:4348.6116-62.3189Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P9 with an INI = 13 seconds; lots of other classified calls throughout the period, but it is difficult to identify consistent INIs. Possible BW A call in P9.
10/10/23 14:11:4348.6194-62.3449Possible BW A call in P11.
10/10/23 14:26:4348.6190-62.3449Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P16 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW D call in P8.
10/10/23 15:11:4348.6177-62.3449Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P5 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A call in P3.
10/10/23 15:41:4348.6169-62.3449Four possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P15 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 15:56:4348.6165-62.3449Five possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P7 with an INI = 9 seconds.
10/10/23 16:56:4348.6149-62.3449Possible BW D calls in P1, 2, & 15; the call in P15 has downward concavity.
10/10/23 17:11:4348.6145-62.3449BW arch calls in P9, 15 & 16.
10/10/23 17:23:2148.6173-62.3416BW arch and D calls in P2-4 & 7.
10/10/23 18:11:4348.6236-62.3360Possible BW D calls in P1 & 8; although the call in P8 is classified as SW call type 1, the call in P1 is concave-down, which indicates that these are attributable to blue whale presence.
10/10/23 18:26:4348.6237-62.3363Possible BW D call in P6.
10/10/23 18:41:4348.6239-62.3366Possible BW D calls in P5 & 8, both of which appear to have downward concavity.
10/10/23 19:41:4348.6244-62.3378Possible BW A calls in P2 & 9.
10/10/23 19:56:4348.6246-62.3381Possible BW A calls in P2-5 & 7.
10/10/23 20:11:4348.6247-62.3384Possible BW A call in P14.
10/10/23 20:26:4348.6249-62.3387Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
10/10/23 20:41:4348.6250-62.3390BW arch calls in P4 & 5; possible A calls in P2, 8, 10, & 12.
10/10/23 21:11:4348.6253-62.3396Possible BW A calls in P2.
10/10/23 21:22:4148.6262-62.3480Possible BW A call in P9/10.
10/10/23 21:56:4348.6283-62.3632Possible BW D call in P6 (concave-down) and A calls in P12 & 13.
10/10/23 22:11:4348.6287-62.3630BW arch and A calls throughout the period - likely two calling animals here, as there are several occasions of overlap between probable arch and A calls.
10/10/23 22:26:4348.6291-62.3628Possible BW A calls in P2, 6, & 7.
10/10/23 23:11:4348.6303-62.3620Possible BW A calls in P2 & 13-15.
10/10/23 23:26:4348.6307-62.3618Possible BW A calls in P3 & 4.
10/10/23 23:41:4348.6311-62.3616BW arch calls in P1 & 2.
